You hit the nail on the head -- money and power. I wonder how media platforms have a role in perpetuating the use of mega funds for campaigns. Even with campaign finance limits, politicians find ways to spend money. We wish our media ecosystems were different. We have also lost the public space for open, civic discourses.

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In the UK schools, too, this writer is at the centre of some controversy. On the matter of "frailty" or snowflakes, performances of Shakespeare now carry a "government health warning"*; the Globe theatre warns punters that Romeo and Juliet carry scenes of suicide and sex, and Macbeth has scenes of extreme violence. Titus Andronicus stands no chance.

* Not really an actual government health warning, this is a much-used euphemism in the UK for caution.

I note the beginnings of a push-back this side of the pond, there is a growing realisation that small, very small, minorities are commanding all the headlines; institutions are folding like origami - caving into their demands, and this only serves to reinforce the demands.

Every voice is valid, it seems; my truth is every bit as meaningful as the truth.

On the matter of statues and literature and art and the like from the past we should remember:

"History is another country, they do things differently there.

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