I am so disappointed in the SCOTUS ruling today. They have basically given ANY president the ability to do ANYTHING he/she wants.

Want to be like Putin? Fine-go ahead. Want to be like any other Authoritarian or dictator? Fine, go ahead.

Justice Sotomayor closed her opinion with these words: “With fear for our democracy, I dissent.”

She did not agree with the partisan thinking that the president should have total immunity to do whatever he/she wants. My understanding of our forefathers reasoning when our Constitution was written was they did not want a “King” as our leader. That’s why we fought the American Revolution- to break away from Great Britain’s rule over America.

Our forefathers set us up a Republic as a Democracy. No one man would be more powerful and have complete control. We have 3 Branches of government so no one branch can become too powerful. They are supposed to check and balance each other. This ruling basically is giving the Executive Branch more power than originally intended.

I wholeheartedly agree it appears we are on our way to losing our democracy. I agree with Justice Sotomayor.

But, I do have hope that we all wake up and realize how we can protect our freedoms and our democracy.

Who can save our democracy?

We Americans.

We must use our rights to vote.

We must go to the polls to make our voices and choices known.

We MUST vote.

By voting, we are empowering our hope and belief in our Democracy.

We cannot stop what is happening in our country unless we vote for Democracy.

Please use your U.S. Citizen’s right to vote in this general election.

Get yourself registered to vote if you are not yet registered.

Look at the candidates in all parties and please vote for those supporting Democracy instead of Supremacy.

Don’t just follow blindly along Party lines. Vote for yours and your family’s best interest. Vote for the best person to represent you. Don’t vote a Party.

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Thanks for the thoughtful reply. We'll see how the lower courts differentiats "official" from "unofficial" actions or duites. I think that will be key.

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