Aug 6, 2021Liked by Abe Aamidor

I appreciate your comments. Most of the comments I heard regarding the vaccine were to attribute it to “the previous administration” so it was never Biden’s vaccine. He was just the one who ended up being able to get it out the door and into the hands of healthcare workers to get it in our arms.

I am flabbergasted at the refusal of so many to take the vaccine. It’s not like the health experts are putting poison into people’s bodies, but giving their bodies the fighting chance they need to fight off the “real” virus.

I’m also disappointed in so many people not wanting to wear a mask “FOR THEIR OWN PROTECTION” let alone to protect others.

No, they are not fun to wear. I’m a teacher and I dislike wearing them as much as my students did last year, but darned if I’m going to leave my mask off this year with a more dangerous and contagious virus out there. I’ve had my 2 doses of vaccine and will take a third if it’s deemed necessary. It not only protects me, but also my family.

Please, please get vaccinated. It will help to stop this virus from becoming more and more dangerous. Listen to the Science and the doctors. Get your vaccinations as soon as you are eligible and able to.

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Susan - thanks for your thoughtful comments. I understand vaccine hesitation, up to a point - everything is so sudden and dramatic, the disease and the vaccines - but I'd like to think that the overwhelming majority of people would come down on the side of getting vaccinated.

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